Palm Sunday, the start of this Holy Week.

I woke today with many thoughts and concerns on my mind and heart.

I pray God, in his mercy and grace, fills us all with gifts of the Holy Spirit, giving us eyes to see and ears to hear the truth. That we may all seek God’s grace and mercy and turn to him to heal our brokenness and wash us clean of our sins.

God will judge all. The unjust and wicked will be cast down. Before any among us leaps with self righteousness or crumbles in self pity, read carefully these words found in 1 Corinthians – Chapter 6.

Read with a clear mind and open heart and then read again carefully. This scripture is often used by the deceiver to pull people away from God. I pray all are open to the Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment and find the truth. Despite our joy in redemption, there is great sadness knowing that condemnation is real and will fall on all those that do not know Jesus. Jesus is the only one that can go to the Father on our behalf and he must know you by name.

By parrish4mn

Phillip C Parrish