$23 and We Can Win

Dear Minnesotans,

Minnesota is home to about 5.7 million people, with 3.5 million registered voters. Among us, 2.8 million are considered middle class, while 258,552 are the hardworking poor. Our state’s politics are too often swayed by just 5 billionaires and a vocal minority.

The establishment claims only they can choose our next governor, that big corporate money is needed, which often means the candidates are beholden to those donors. In 2022, Tim Walz reportedly received over $5.9 million in donations.

But here’s the truth: We, the hardworking poor, hold far more power than we’re led to believe. If each of 260,000 Minnesotans contributes just $23 we could raise $6 million. Together, we can make a difference.

Look at the attached images and draw your own conclusions. I ask for your support not just for my campaign, but for our campaign—to send a clear message to the establishment: We’re no longer just listening; we’re taking charge. Let’s take care of us, the people of Minnesota.

Please contribute.