The most dangerous animal on earth, the self loathing white liberal. You can easily see these dangerous two legged creatures lurking about, trolling, and spreading false claims that white people are the only creatures on earth that have owned slaves, taken land from others, harmed the environment, committed genocide, and all other manner of atrocities. Their self loathing is legendary among all human creatures and all humans of all races, creed, and gender laugh at their false exclusive claims to these high crimes against humanity. No matter how absurd their false claims are, they are still the most dangerous creatures on earth because their mind virus has proven to be contagious and a terminal disease with no known cure. Avoid these dangerous creatures and do not participate in their intellectually and morally broken inhuman mind traps. They are vicious and deadly pack hunters with highly skilled abilities to coordinate lies, propaganda, harmful agendas, mass illness, and even murder when they don’t get their way or you expose them for who they really are, liars, thieves, and self loathing hate filled monsters.

By parrish4mn

Phillip C Parrish