Dear All,

This scripted question and answer propaganda piece claiming people are “whipping up” violence and “racial hatred” proves the very point that the compromised UK police and security forces are like the former Soviet Union and on the path similar to Nazi German.

Pointing out that stabbing children to death, rapping women and girls, and exposing their premeditated racially based two tiered justice system is the hate filled crime.

None of this is about race color or creed. This is about right and wrong! The fact that lunatics and control hungry monsters distract you with narratives about race, color, and creed while turning a blind eye to inhuman behavior, because they want you to believe that a particular group or class is not capable of understanding right from wrong, makes them the racist and hate filled bigots.

The compromised officials and their handlers know exactly what they are doing is meant to cause the hatred and violence they are inciting. They are the perpetrators. Not you, the citizen trying to get through your day and live freely.

By parrish4mn

Phillip C Parrish