Minnesota white collar criminals must be held accountable. The exploitation of our children must end. The immoral and unethical behaviors of our compromised officials and agencies must be clearly pointed out and all citizens provided the opportunity to say enough is enough.
- We will find common ground.
- It’s not about left or right.
- It’s about wrong and right.
- We will expose the lies.
- We will expose the white collar criminals.
- We will protect our children.
- We will not participate in the political elite’s gang warfare tactics.
- We will help demonstrate how to love and care for people but not get walked on or silenced.
- We will save Minnesota from the loud and obnoxious intellectually and morally broken few and restore the decency and common sense of the real majority, the hardworking poor.
Stop looking to a fairytale government to fix personal and social issues. Personal and social issues are solved with our own interpersonal relationship skills. No law or regulation can attend to that need. Our government is meant to provide basic safety and security. Abdication of personal responsibilities to a centralized government creates dictatorships that incubate and grow intellectually and morally broken ideologies.
We will end the government sponsored intellectually and morally broken ideologies.
People that demand a society built on the standards Jesus demonstrated and are not willing to live by those standards are exploitive. They cloak themselves in false virtues and promises of greater good ideologies while knowingly causing harm to the vulnerable and uninformed.
Discerning who those people are in your life is critical to your future. Reject their disingenuous agendas and stop listening to them.
We can rebuild the foundations of Minnesota. We can return to sound physical, intellectual, moral, and ethical principles. For too long a bloated and unelected bureaucracy has brought us further and further away from the basic principles of growth and success and opened the floodgates to waist, fraud, and miss allocation of resources. We can rebuild the basic and true responsibilities of local and state governance while dramatically cutting the wasteful and insolvent bureaucracies. We can physically build and rebuild local and state infrastructure without overregulation. We can allow creativity and industriousness to thrive on its own merit. We can rebuild education, health care, and public assistance programs through massive reductions in nonproductive and wasteful administrative costs while maintaining accountable oversight. Talk to the people on the ground, the real people actually getting the work done, they have the answers and they know the truth.
Under a Parrish administration, bureaucrats and all tax payer funded agencies will demonstrate that they are productive public servants and work for you, the tax paying citizens. All redundant and non-producing persons and agencies will be dismantled and removed.