The disgraceful chain of events in Minnesota Congressional District 2 and what Tom Emmer, David Hann, and some compromised MNGOP central leadership orchestrated, regarding Taylor Rahm (the endorsed candidate), and what they are also doing in CD7 and CD8, throughout 2024, has been meticulously recorded. Bad individuals intentionally turned the endorsement process into a scam and scheme to maintain control. I will not forget this during my 2026 campaign for Governor.

The repeated and documented behaviors of specific compromised central party leadership and political operatives undermining the grassroots and grassroots endorsed candidates can no longer be ignored. I have warned all repeatedly that nefarious actors in the MNGOP, in cooperation with the ill intended MNDFL political operatives, use a nefarious process and Minnesota’s intentionally flawed election year calendar of events to inappropriately and unethically control the outcomes of the primary and the general election.

These facts will not be forgotten. Minnesotans will have a voice again. We will no longer be silenced. The white collar criminals among us will be fully exposed. I will make sure of it. Again, I will not forget this during my 2026 campaign for Governor of Minnesota.

Phillip C. Parrish
Candidate for Governor of Minnesota 2026

Parrish for Governor 2026

By parrish4mn

Phillip C Parrish